Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Inside Studio JRy: #30on30

Good morning friends,

It's literally 4:30 am as I type this. I swore I was going to go back to bed, but I have to tell you that it was not my intention to fall asleep tonight after work.  I got home about 7pm and fell asleep in front of the TV.  I was supposed to head out to an open-mic and practice some comedy, but sadly Mister Sandman won.

I have had so much fun getting to know the men involved in comedy.  There are few women as well, but there are a few individuals in the group that I have began bonding with and forming friendships I never thought would happen.

It's funny to me to see how things have changed and see to where things are at in my life.

Recently, I celebrated my 30th birthday.  Now, to the public I have been 30/31 for the past three years or so because I don't answer specifics when answering questions, but I did kind of make it a big deal that my 30th was this year and I wanted it to be something completely polar opposite than my celebratory 20s.

I can vividly recall my favorite birthday of my 20s being at age 24 and I had bottle service, a full cocktail party and dinner at an exclusive lounge and a custom-DJ set.  It was a very expensive party, but I felt that that was what the "Rockstar Stylist" life was about.  After that birthday, all the next ones in a row were horrible disasters and last year came to a screeching halt when I was told that the person I was interested in was not interested in me minutes after having dinner with my family.

Can you even imagine?  

Beyond heartbreak.

So, this whole past year I had told my mom "no birthday, no birthday".  No presents, no party, no dinner, no nothing...

You know what? That's exactly what happened.  A lot of people found it bittersweet or a melancholy attempt to accept the age of 30, but of course, my Twitter obsessed ass had to hashtag #30on30.

This year was balls to the walls busy as my birthday fell on a Saturday and I just could not imagine saying no to all those wonderful color clients of mine.  

I worked so hard on Saturday, I was double-booked back to back most of the day and got home.  I stopped at the deli on the way and got a turkey sandwich and celebrated with a turkey sandwich and a nap.  ooooh... fun!

After a reapplication of powder, I set off to my favorite watering whole that I am often seen at.

I sat at the bar and was surprised that it was not busy. (my birthday luck, right?)

Just as Garbo walked into her first speaking scene and ordered a whisky, I sat down and ordered a club soda and began to contemplate what libation was gonna take me into Sunday morning last-call.

From behind me came a set of hands and a "happy birthday!" - a very excited one at that.

I turned around and it was my crush.

SIDENOTE: Let me back up and tell you that I have not talked about this much because it's not anything big.  I have been getting to know a very smart 21-year old guy that is sweet and smart.  We are not dating, but I would be interested in dating him.  We have not discussed it seriously, but I know he knows.  Also, he's okay with that.  Time will only tell what we are whether it's friends, more than a crush or acquaintances. I certainly DO NOT want to be acquaintances.  For all literary purposes and blogs, he shall be known as "my crush" or "my friend, the crush".


I was so happy he showed up as I had invited him out for drinks.  We talked and joked and talked and joked and ate late night food and continued on. 

My friend that owns the bar joined us with a few drinks and we welcomed the midnight hour talking, laughing and being friendly. I really, honestly couldn't have asked for more.

My friend the bartender knows I like this guy.  He was also having a labor day tea party.  I took a chance and asked "my friend, the crush" if he wanted to go with me.  He said yes.

As last call came and I was finally feeling all my drinks settle, my friend took me home and asked me how my birthday was and honestly, I answered: "a calm delight".

I loved it.

As the labor day party approached, I was awkwardly excited to attend my friends party and have my friend, the crush meet people.  I know it was probably a little awkward for him and he was very well aware that I was happy to have him there.  

My friend the bartender, that hosted the party with his partner was very kind and loves talking to my crush.  They have become friends and I know that no matter what, we love hanging out.  The more the merrier.

So, what I can tell you about greeting 30 is that I have learned I don't want to be like my 20s.  I was always spending more money than I had and getting too drunk and saying stupid shit or holding in my feelings from the one I was with or was pursuing.  

I have made a vow that I don't want to be that person anymore.  

It's crazy for those that know me because as most of you have picked up even in my writing is that I don't hide details or have secrets, but know that my private life is very private and I don't discuss the behind-the-scenes actions of my loved ones.  It's not fair to them. 

In fact, writing this much about "The crush" is kind of pushing it for me, but I just want him to know how complimentary it is to me that he has gotten to know me and that I enjoy hanging out with him.

My vows in my 30s are the following:
-say yes to every opportunity, without prejudice.
-listen before I speak.
-walk away from conflict and discuss later.. over wine.
-tell people how you REALLY FEEL about them (this is good and bad).
-try not to get involved in salacious gossip.... and do not create it.
-take time away from the public.
-live passionately.  Time goes fuckin' fast.
-be authentic.
-be a better brother and a better friend.

Anyway, to the two men that celebrated my birthday with me, thank you.  I adore you both.  

Here's to #30on30


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