Sunday, January 13, 2013

02.07: Heaven

Good evening Rockstars + Lambs,

I have been to Heaven and back.  Yes.  Heaven.  Heaven is the best word, place, everything I can think of to explain this week.

As many of you may know based on posts on social media outlets that I was in California for a few days last week and this week.  I had the opportunity to train with a fabulous company.  The fact that Joico took the chance to invest in me is absolutely remarkable.  Do you know what a compliment it is to be treated like a prince?  Seriously.

As I continue on with the blog and videos on YouTube, I'm you'll get bits and pieces of in-depth lessons and experiences I had while there.  I can't possibly fit all of this into one blog.

One thing I can tell you from last time I wrote to now that I have been doing some MAJOR thinking.

Where will I be in 20 years and what do I want?
In 20 years, I'll be close to 50 years old and will have hopefully opened the salon of my dreams and had some success with a couple books, education courses and shoots.  I can't pray for awards or accolades, but it would be nice to have that too.  A partner and a child would be fabulous and a penthouse in a larger market and a house in a smaller area are something I pine for.  Is it realistic though?

I think it is.

As I returned for California, I came home to my family and clients rejuvenated.  I also spent two fabulous days with a very fabulous person I have come to know.  As Friday rolled around, I was thinking, "I can get some rest tonight and beat the jet-lag" only to be greeted by my best friend.

We had a beautiful evening out, talked one of the best talks ever and closed the bar.  The next day at work, I was happy, but recongizing that I was no longer in California.  I had dinner with an actress-friend of mine and we had a few cocktails.  

Talking to her about the new additions in my life left me glowing.  Talking to my best friend the night prior, he said, "you have a really good aura around you right now."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  Have I come full circle?

What going to this event in California showed me was is that I am very special and that there is no one on the globe like me.  I am very direct, very passionate and very enthusiastic about what I do.  I do, however, hate drama and only feed it in toxic relationships.  When you're away for five days in another state and come home to dread seeing "certain" individuals, I think it's pretty fair to say that I've identified the toxicity in my life.

I have chosen to give it no life. 


No more from me.  No more obsessing.  I'm analytical by nature, but to obsess is not me.  I am a beautiful human being and a child of God.  When the Creator made me, he made me very special and very likeable and very marketable in many aspects of my life; I like that Josh.

As I met with, ate with, drank with and worked with major executives, celebrity stylists and hairdressers from around the country, I realized something: life is too short to put myself in one box.  Staying around is what I've always wanted, but I have seen a part of life that could be easily attainable.  Developing products, developing education for other hairdressers, speaking to professionals ... those are all things I want to do.  

A friend of mine in California would love for me to come work with him, but I know in my heart the time is not now.  Three years from now, maybe, but not now.  

As I sat there, looked at the message I was reading and thought, in 15 years, I will be 43 years old, I want:

-a partner
-a child
-a brand
-a successful career

Those are realistic to me.  It means, once again, toxicity is not allowed.  

So, in conclusion, I want more opportunity.  I want to chase love.  I want to chase my destiny with as much drive and passion as exudes when I write...

2013 is looking to be super transformative.  I am asking for blessings and in order to receive them, I am willing and open to accept what the Creator has planned for me.

Namaste, thank you California, thank you Joico, thank you to my two fabulous friends and my "fabulous smile". You're all my Heaven.

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