Good evening friends,
I have to tell you that I am loving talking about some basic "life concepts". One of the fundamental concepts of life that people often forget (especially when heated or ignoring an incoming text message) is the concept of karma.
Let's think about it! We've all heard that word.
I remember mentioning this word to a very religious boss I had once and she told me that karma was a pagan act and concept. I had to kindly remind her of what I thought karma was: "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you."
Is that biblical?
Is that hindu?
Is that Wiccan?
Every theology under the sun has always believed in karma. Whether you practice voodoo, prayer or just common sharing between your fellow man. You practice karma in everything you do. Karma, like love or smiling or singing has no religion or even spiritual premise. It simply is what it is.
When you look up "karma" on Wikipedia. Karma is a work that derives from sanskrit. It's the concept of performing an action or deed that sets the entire cycle of cause and effect into motion.
I think that's pretty clear in definition, don't you?
Here's what the "Joshtionary" says about karma:
1. Do unto others... (fill in the rest...)
2. Don't shit where you eat.
3. Don't point fingers.
Let me dive into these not-so-spiritual looks at a very spiritual topic.
I remember as a young 17-year old kid getting ready to complete high school having questions about religion and God. I also had questions about humanity and why the world was such a scary place. In the search to find a moment of clarity, I began doing a lot yoga, reading buddhist-based literature, read the Yoga Taravali and took up studying Kabbalah. Each item taught me alot.
I remember reading The Bible with my grandmother and remember how vengeful she made God sound. I thought, "how sad."
Why would someone create us to punish and destroy us. I began reading works by Rav P.S. Berg and Yehuda Berg and reading the concept "what happens below is above and what happens above is below."
This concept of what happens on Earth is also happening in Heaven corresponds to everything. If I'm having a shitty day, someone else is as well. If I smile at someone, they may just smile back. If I invest in a relationship, they will share and invest with me as well.
It wasn't foreign. It wasn't Jewish and it wasn't Buddhist. It was universal truth.
I know each morning when I wake up to greet the Universe with a humble "thank you".
If I wake up late and greet the day with a "aw..fuck" and slam my alarm clock across the wall, I have always found that the energy of the day tells me to fuck off and slams me around a bit as well. So, "Thank you" is my morning prayer of choice.
What you put out in the world is what you will receive.
Let me explain this: have you ever had a friend you loved so much? You loved to gossip to them and tell them secrets? You then find yourself gossiping about THEM to others?
This is a common way of setting yourself up for failure in relationships.
I live by the concept of "if they gossip to you, they gossip about you."
This is no different for YOU.
We often try to become a Dahli-Joshua to our friends thinking we have the "Cat by the tail" (have the world figured out) only to exclude ourselves.
When we gossip about others, especially to mutual friends, we set ourselves up for a major public hanging. We see this happen constantly on each new season of "The Real Housewives" Franchise.
One day Lisa talks about Kyle. Kyle talks about Lisa and then they see themselves on TV and start to doubt each other's friendships.
We may not all have cameras following us around, but we should all act like it. I can't tell you how sad I get watching these beautiful botoxed bitches throw each other under the bus. They act like 3.8 million of us don't see them week after week on Bravo.
I make jokes about how I would LOVE TO BE on a reality show. Let me tell you: I'd put my foot in my mouth a lot and the city of Pueblo would probably avoid me.
Don't shit where you eat.
Act like TMZ and Bravo are following you every day. With every sip of alcohol, remember: the age of Twitter takes NO PRISONERS! We do it to ourselves.
My grandma used to tell me not to point at people. I can tell you though: she pointed at you when she yelled at you!
Shakespeare was classic in saying that when you point the finger, three are pointing back at you. Let's take a break to try this.
Some spiritual systems believe that when you point or direct negative energy at someone, it comes back on YOU three-fold. I believe this as well. When I have to get "intense" with someone, I tend to put my hand up dramatic-style and Mariah-like with an open palm and my ring finger to my open palm. The reason for this is based on repelling someone's oncoming energy.
My placing my hand UP, I am NOT ACCEPTING what you have to say. Also, my ring finger is placed in a meditation sequence to try and keep my energy focused. Keep in mind, the rules of karma also mean that the OTHER person does NOT have to accept what I say either.
When things get intense, do not point. Just walk away. Call them for coffee the next day or simply write them off. In karma's wonderful universal way, you will buy each other a pause in your relationship.
Karma is a touchy subject because people only think about it as a negative repercussion; we often forget though that when you do something well and good for others or share with others that the universe gladly hands over the Light and sharing energy back to you.
How many times have you thought "can't the universe/God just throw me bone?"
You gotta through it one first.
Hope that helps.
Got an issue or subject you want me sound off on?
Tweet me @studiojry
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