Hi friends,
Thanks so much for checking out my blog.
I wanted to take the time to thank you personally as I have received a phone call just within the week telling me I was the recipient of the GOLD award for Best of Pueblo Best Local Blog or Blogger. Last year, I took home the honor at the bronze level and this year it is so honorable to be voted your favorite.
One thing that I want people to understand that I do not take any of my online success with a grain of salt and I do know exactly what content I am putting on the internet. I generally reserve Facebook for business and talking about the blogs, but even I get wrapped in the world of selfies and drunk-FBing.
It's sucks doing "damage control" the next day. (LOL)
Everyone and their mom knows that I love tweeting! I say whatever the fuck is on my mind and don't care. That's the fun of Twitter!
My blogs vary... you know, five years ago, I didn't realize that "Pretty Boy Education" would become a hit or that it would spawn my column "Haute Mess" off of my critiques and fashionable adventures between me, my friends, social media and many cocktails.
When I created the sequel "Pretty World, Fabulous Life: Inside Studio JRy" last year as an homage to my private life and all the questions people ask me, I didn't expect to win a BEST BLOGGER award.
"Rockstar Slums" came shortly after and has become a crazy success with over 16,000 readers every month. Holy shit! Who knew!
I don't want to boast, but I must tell you, the times I've been most successful in my life is when I was most authentic and unfiltered. Another crazy thing is that every time I win an award, make an appearance as a color educator or speaker, my friends normally gang up on me and kick the emotional shit out of me.
Last time I wrote, I talked about seeing a therapist and making life adjustments. You know? I really believe that it was the best thing I ever did.
I've had alot of people pipe up recently and try to talk down to me and what I can tell you is that counseling has taught me NOT TO BE as passive aggressive as I have been in the past. Before, I'd stay quiet and change the subject or buy a round of drinks or give a gift to soften the blow... what sense does that make?
Why should I reward someone or anyone for being a dick?
You shouldn't!
Recently, I've put my foot down and let EVERYone know: you cannot bully me!!!!
I'm known for expressing my opinion and being a hard-ass, but one thing I will not permit is someone being a jerk or a smart-ass. People are very very courageous behind the screen and never able to "pipe up" in public. I don't give a fuck; I'll give you my two cents and I think everyone should!
It's not being mean or brash, it's being honest, folks!
When did we all become castrated sheep following the flock with no nuts?
I want to tell anyone of you reading this: I am BEHIND YOU 100%. TO ALL MY READERS, CREATIVES, FRIENDS, CLIENTS and UNDERDOGS, I AM BEHIND YOU.
If you are sincere, and you really are striving to be authentic, I want to raise you up.
If you are a coward that sends hateful messages or talks shit online and acts a fool in public licking the good ol' boys' asses, I do not. I will not support your projects or even recognize you.
You can't validate or recognize fakeness. It's not worth the honor.
Therapy taught me something. It taught me to listen to ME, NOT anyone else. Wanna know how I know I'm on the right path? I feel so much better and am healthier in many ways because of it.
For anyone rolling their eyes as they read this thinking "how did he win best blogger?", just stop. I think it's time for the world to be honest. The people of this world live in a nonsense bumble of Tumblr, Grindr and social media telling and showing them what they want to hear.
Just be honest with your self. If you're not sure of who you are, just ask yourself: "is this what I like showing the world?"
Authentically yours,
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