Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Inside Studio JRy: The Glass House called "Josh"

Hi my friends,

How are you?  It's about 1:30 am as I sit and type this.

I have to tell you, this day was busy busy busy.  In fact, if I had three words to describe my life: it would be "busy busy busy".

For me, there's much involved in owning a small business and maintaining a busy clientele.  I have to tell you: it's been rather liberating not focusing on outside work like educating for a major brand or managing interns, etc.

I find it sad sometimes that I haven't had the MONUMENTAL breakout I thought I would at 30, but truly, to be known in my community and to be able to make a difference is what matters to me at this time in my life.

Tonight was really awesome because I literally got to come home and make some food and relax.  I brought some paperwork with me to work on, but before that, I sat down and turned on a guided meditation.  In the midst of a deep moment where I could literally feel my soul swirling around my body (think of the times you feel you've had an out of body experience), I received a message from a friend needing some help.

I finished my meditation and placed my mala beads on the table and looked at my message.  It was one of those messages that conjure feelings of compassion and a small sense of urgency to know what's up at that exact moment.

I called my friend and got the scoop.  About an hour later, my friend met me at my home.  As many of you know, I rarely let people into my home.  I am super protective of my space.  I felt the guard go down and felt at this time it was NOT my job to be a talker, but to listen.  I just feel this deep need from the universe lately to breathe deeply and listen.

Last week, even though busy, it was somewhat challenging.  I can't elaborate much, but to let you know that I had a screaming match with a former friend and client.  It was late at night and I felt that the person came in with a very apparent need to attack me verbally.  After a couple drinks in my system and in his, it became a commercial for a horrible Bravo show and I yelled back at him as he screamed to me the words "egotistical", "dick", "prick", "diva", "high maintenance".

He expressed to me that I am not relatable and that I am hard to get along with.  This is NOT a new evaluation of me.  I never knew a person that was powerful in their career or community that was prominent that was not hard to get along with.  I think about people I admire like Vidal Sassoon, Madonna and Martha Stewart.  All of these famous faces built empires and it was not because they were easy pills to swallow.

Nothing comes of people easy to get along with.  Honestly, to make a difference and have a mission statement, you MUST have standards and MUST be a ball-buster.  I didn't say you had to be rude and off-putting, but having integrity has gotten the above three major notoriety in their chosen fields.

I refuse to think that just because I live in Pueblo, Colorado and work out of a private studio that I am any less important than Vidal, Madonna or Martha.

I personally think my ex-client was having a hard day, we both had a lot to drink and he came in ready to attack because he had a hard day and had to lay it on someone.  I was the someone.

Sadly, as this situation presented itself, I didn't feel I acted appropriately since I hold myself on such a pedestal of class and etiquette, but I do believe that if someone attacks you, you HAVE THE RIGHT to attack back.  HE or SHE must fire the first punch or verbal attack and then it's gloves off to annihilation.  This may not be the most peaceful way of dealing with people or conflict, but I believe that in every situation there is a winner and loser and I believe it's all based on perception.

Looking at this as a third-party, I don't think anyone won.  I see two drunk, dominant men having a pissing contest.  I left the bar and went home.  This man attacked my Twitter account and business number with derogatory messages.

Did I take the high road? No.  But I removed myself from the situation.  I do believe in my heart I dealt with it better and the messages I received show that I removed myself from further engaging in stupidity and elementary behavior.

As I evaluated this situation and saw my actions this past weekend, I have always known and have always said to people, I know I'm tired and fatigued if I drink heavily.  This past weekend was no exception. I hate the feeling of over drinking.  We've all done it and all made asses of ourselves, but I have learned to recognize this behavior as the years have gone by.

If I'm yelling in bars, it's time to take a break.  So tonight was a welcome break.  Sometimes sitting at home and making meals for the week (and freezing some) make my day so much better. Yes, I am the happy homemaker at home believe it or not.  I love prepping menus and working in my kitchen, it's calming to me.

I also love talking to my friends.

This man's behavior and comments towards me are so far from actually knowing who I am behind the facade and image I have branded for myself.  He thinks of me as difficult when really I am a good friend and a good son.  He just hasn't proven to me that he should see inside the glass house called "Josh Cooley".  That is a holy place for people I deem holy enough to enter.

His hurt toward me is a reflection of me not making a genuine connection with him beyond drinks or a haircuts.  It would piss me off too.

Although, when I think of what Vidal, Madonna, Martha or even my deep inner integrity would say, I can gladly and confidently tell you: I'm not for everyone.  One day he'll realize that.  I'm not open to everyone and my guard is up because I have no time for people that use hurtful words and brash behavior directed exclusively at me to get my attention.

I don't have to try that hard to get attention.  Besides, my own attention is reserved to my business and closest confidantes.

Much love,

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Inside Studio JRy: Late Night Thoughts

Happy wee hours of the morning to you friends,

It is about 2am as I sit in my living room at Studio JRy and type.

It's so funny to me when a late night surge of energy comes to me and conjures so many random thoughts, feelings and ambitions.

I am neither a night owl nor a morning person, I'm just Josh and Joshes (if you're not familiar) like to stay up late, sleep a few hours and wake early and cook breakfast and read their Twitter feeds. LOL, but truly, there is no stopping me especially after a crusher of a day (like the one I had yesterday)!

Too many times, someone will ask me when I make time for myself and truly it's the late nights like this that I am truly calm.  Right now, I'm sipping iced coffee and almond milk.  Don't worry! It's not as much coffee as you're thinking; there's more coffee-flavoring than anything spiking my organic almond beverage.

Today, my new computer arrived and truly, I had been kind of sad since my last one took a shit about a year ago.  I've maintained blogging on iPads, but truly there is nothing like a keyboard to really get me going! Vroom-vroom....

I recently invested/gifted myself a MacBook for the sake of blogging, writing more material for comedy, editing my draft formally of my manuscript and loading in a much-needed version of quickbooks (at the request of my accountant).

Blogging has always been a part of my life.  I look at 2014 though and see that the entries were not as constant and that people had lost some interest in "Rockstar Slums" even though it has 31,000 readers.  Yes- you read that figure correctly!

After approximately 500 blog entires, I am shutting the door on my product reviews and beauty favorites.  The magazine-style of writing on "Rockstar Slums" no longer thrills me nor does it get the feedback this blog gets.

In 2012, my then-best friend named the blog and since we had our falling out, I cannot bring myself to open that site up or even write anymore.  It reminds me of him and all our fights and our unfortunate falling out.

I rarely stop doing something because someone "hurt" my feelings, but honestly, I can't deal with how much he hurt me everytime I have a fucking flashback while reviewing lipstick, face masks and books I'm reading.  That kind of jaded feeling is like a pair of handcuffs that someone placed on as a practical joke or in a sense of vindictiveness.

I really do believe saying goodbye to all those eyes will only be a break as I have a new project up my sleeve for 2015. I'm sure you're going to enjoy the new project that hits the internet close to Valentine's Day.

As for ex-besty, I'm sure he's not reading anymore, but I don't want anymore credit given to him or anymore reminders. He's moved on and I haven't fully yet and this is a step I have to take for my own well-being.

Comedy is so much fun, friends!  I never wanted to Joan Rivers or Dean Martin, but they are both inspirations to me.

I recently got booked as a featured comedian in September for an event and cannot wait!  I have 10 whole minutes of comedy awaiting me.  10 minutes in the comedy world is a VERY long time.  Between weekly open-mics and prepping for this event plus my fourth year of presenting and judging at Dancing with the Pueblo Starz, I cannot think of a adding blogs at this time or even focusing on closing one site down officially. It's been fun going onstage and spitting silly words at people.

The fact that people listen and like me is still beyond me.  I have a very direct style of talking about sex, gayisms, poor people and weight problems.  It's not everyone's cup of tea, but they sure are drinking the Cooley Kool-Aid these days!

....it feels good.

The salon is doing amazingly well and I cannot tell you how many times I have thanked the Universe, Jesus, Krishna and my guests for the abundance I have received.

I really believe (brace yourself, spirituality coming) that The Creator gives us moments to shine when our hearts are deeply wounded and broken.

Andrew walking out of my life was devastating to me. We both were nasty to each other and will point the finger at one another still.  I simply didn't speak to him anymore and he made it very clear on the internet and to many sources he did not care for me or my friendship anymore.  It was real blow, friends.

All the energy that goes into crying and sulking went into my business.  Lucille Ball and Greta Garbo are notorious actresses that both said it was work that got them through difficulties in their personal lives.  I believe that whole-heartedly.

I think my adjustments, improvements and major success as of late can be contributed to the negative energy in the form of a man walking out of my life.  I should thank him, but I feel like that's giving him too much glory at this time.

Recently aware of his moving to another city, I attempted to congratulate him and he just stood there stiff lipped and made me feel like shit.

I shortly left the establishment we both "coincidentally" happened to be in and knew at that point the nail was in the coffin.

I heard from a friend he asked about me, but does not want to be friends ever again.

Talk about hatefulness and solitude.

The solitude I long for is for concentration only, not hate. His is full of vindictiveness.

Oh friends... what more to say? I wish I could share my success with someone, but right now, this silence, these transitions, the abundance is a lesson I will master.

God throws curve balls and thankfully I had my glove on and was ready to catch. Each time I slip and pick myself up, I can feel him pat me on the back and say "good one", "good game", "let's do it again".  There is no "hit the showers" for me.

I haven't gotten dirty enough yet to be sent away.

I guess I just wanted to take this moment of vulnerability to tell you what's on my brain.

Wow! All that from sipping almond milk?

Not too bad.
