Good afternoon lambs,
Let's talk about drama and why we like to feed the drama monster, shall we?
It's not something I love to do, but I do.
It not something I always own up to, but I should.
When I opened my salon, I never anticipated that I would have a blast having interns, sharing with people in my life and love working alone, however, all those things are amazing. Then, I turn on the computer and feed the social networking sites with blogs, videos, and posts as most of you reading do as well.
Sad part about it is that when I feel the blog is supposed to be a peep-show into my life, really, what happens is people read stuff, assume, and use my own life and words against me. It has gotten to the point where most of my "friends" have blocked my posts or I am "invisible" to their social feeds as they carry tagging each other in the age of Facebook. Stalk my tweets and assume each one is about them and then they have dinner with me asking for the juicy truth behind what was published on line and there is no story to tell.
I live a very honest life. No lies. I always live a very uncensored life where I don't believe in filters and it's free for clients, my friends, business associate and the iGeneration to see.
Is that living dangerously in this day and age or is it accepted?
I think it should be accepted. My words hit hard in an age where people put pornographic imagery on the Facebooks, Tumblrs and Tweets. I don't do that. Never will.
We live in an age where promiscuity is encouraged and devotion to one person is always compromised. If you're "Talking" to one person online and not in real life, who counts?
We also live in a passive aggressive age of say one thing and do another and posting on twitter and Facebook makes you brave, but owning the words doesn't ever happen.
For me, I built my career and reputation online. That will never stop. One thing that makes me different is that I tell you the whole story from the start.
I do not hide anything. Honestly. What's the point?
I'm not happy with most people today, nor have I been for sometime. I have distanced myself in the attempt to learn more about me and have only tormented my psyche with the thought of what "might have been" or "what is so-and-so doing now"...
Is it time to disconnect for awhile?
What's up guys! It's Josh Cooley here. Award-winning blogger, writer and haircolorist. Many of you remember this as "Pretty World, Fabulous Life" and ALL OF THOSE entries are SAFE and SOUND. After almost two years of writing the sequel to my popular blog, it's time to dive a little deeper and talk about the "meat and potatoes" of life. "Inside Studio JRy" is about me, my home, my thoughts and what makes me tick. Tweet me @studiojry
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
02.04 : It's A Countdown
Good evening Rockstars + Lambs!
May I ask a serious question?
Do you ever feel that when you need everyone the most is when they are never ever there? That's how I feel lately. It's not how I like to start blogs or internet entries, believe me.
I am sitting my robe, freshly bubble bathed, and sipping cognac. I am having a richboy-luxury moment of taking the "edge" off. Can we just say, it has been been an "alright" week, but not fun emotionally? That's what it is: "not fun".
I haven't spoken to my best friend in four days. He's busy with finals this week and it's like I only have Mariah Scarey meltdown when he or my mom are busy. The other night, I was very sad and had verbal diarrhea on Twitter. Not something uncommon from me, but it happened.
Last week, a girl came up to talk to me and my friend that I do not care too much for. Long story short, I snubbed her because she used to be a client of mine. My friend, being the gentleman he is, talked to her and I was being a bitch. At the end of the night, a mixture of drunkenness and tired Josh settled in to tell my friend I was sorry I acted like an ass. I slept horribly that night and blew his phone up the next day. He said, "I got your message."
That was all I needed to be settled. As I hung up, I said, "ok" to myself and off to see my Guela we went. My Guela is suffering from a brain tumor at the moment that will affect her health for the rest of her life. Every 28 days, she has a steroid shot administered to suppress the growth of the tumor. I had NEVER SEEN her on the 28th day of a round.
My mom administers the injections and comes back drained for three days to a full week at times.I get so sad seeing her deal with this, so this time, I decided to go. As I walked in my grandmother's home, I saw a frail, old woman (she never acts like that!) I am used to a strong Spanish woman with vigor! But to my surprise, I saw a meek human that could barely walk. It literally fatigued her to speak.
My mom and Guela excused themselves and went on to administer the shot. When my grandma came back in the room, it was miraculous: her color came back, wrinkles went away, vigor and strength returned and her attitude was ON POINT. She began to tall colorful stories...
I got quiet. A lump formed in my throat.
As we left my grandmother's house, I began to weep. Weeping funeral style as we took the highway home, weeping, sobbing, breathing, speaking in blurbs and random messages of God, the Light and how horrible and empty I felt seeing her like that.
Tears that not only messed up my bronze, injected face, but also a cry for sanity. What had I just seen?
I saw Death.
Death is suppressed every 28 days for my grandmother and my mom has to watch this occurence.
My mother recently lost her father this year and with my grandmother's tumor as a monthly affair, all I could think about was how unfair this stress is to her and why on Earth my uncles (her brothers) are nowhere to be found to deal with this shit. Why does my mom have to?
Why did I want to?
The next day at work, I was silent. Tuesday, silent again. My mom visited me at work and let me know that there has been stress at work. Let me guess, it's only been two days since seeing grandma.
As I left work that night, I started to cry all the way home listening to my iPod. I had to release stress the only way I know how: go on a bender.
Drink drink. Facebook. Tweet. Drink Drink. Facebook. Tweet. My poor besty. I inboxed him how devastated I was.
He has to think I'm crazy!
Not only am I attitude; I'm crazy.
I can't wait for finals week to be over so I can congratulate him for acing everything and have him back. With his absence and my mom's stress-load, the two rocks of my life are missing in action this week. This makes for a very fragile Josh.
Today, everyone that came to see me talked to me about sad things in their lives and I advised them as usual. My problem seemed equal to theirs, but did not dissappear.
I'm angry. Not at my mom, not at my best friend, not at my grandma. I'm angry that no one else can see what it going on.
I've lost so much respect for family members and friends this year. As I saw my grandma perk up for the next 28 days, I thought to myself.....
"Do they even understand what 28 days feels like?"
It's not peace. It's not strength. It's not vigor.
It's a countdown. A countdown to another shot.
I need my rocks at this time to keep me strong. I cannot watch another grandparent suffer. Not again. I can't see my mom carry the burdon. I need her siblings to step up to the plate and help.
I need to stop releasing my stress publicly and with alcohol, but.....
my countdown has just begun.
PS: i want to thank my mom and best friend AJL for being who they are. I need them like never before.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
02.03 : Four Names That Count
Good evening lambs,
Well, it's a couple days after Thanksgiving and I have taken a couple weeks away from the blog to rest and not worry about my online life so much.
The salon has been INCREDIBLY busy the last three weeks and this week, I took a 5-day hiatus from Rockstars + Lambs. That is my first time EVER doing that! Come Christmas, I'll do the same and come January, I will be out of state on business, so this is something people will have to get used to.
Part of being busy has me been being so busy that I have slowed down on Twitter and Facebook and if I can be quite honest and share something candid with you: I kind of like it. I like NOT HAVING my WHOLE life and movement on the internet.
As I was going through my apps on my iPhone and my settings on every source of social media, I realized I have a lot of eyes watching me. I have always prayed for this moment and have recently felt very agoraphobic when it comes to WHO is watching me. I have a lot of close friends that are "following", but can't recite anything major to me, but when something remotely negative or "gray" is posted online, all of a sudden, they ask questions.
Are these people JUST LOOKING for drama? Are they negativity seekers? Are they just trying to find something to bash me over the head with or am I just paranoid?
With that said, I've held off on the tweeting, FB posts and even blogging. I have been around people lately that have told me they've had to "explain" to mutual friends how "I am". Explaining what "being Garbo" is like it's a bad thing. Honestly, it's not. I just want to sleep. My wheels are spinning in circles because all I have noticed is that there is constantly a critique I hear about or see acted out in front of me. Sometimes, I'm good about handling it, lately, I'm appauled.
Regardless of all that bullshit and internal battle I just typed about, the most important thing to me is my clientele and business. Part of this business and staying in the game and being relevant is always having a "booked" schedule. It does not matter if you are 1 year in or 20 years in, people that cancel last minute, flakes and demanding clients that feel "entitled" are wearing on me gradually.
I had a lady tell me she was leaving me because she couldn't get in in a week and she is aware of how busy I can get, she point blank, let me know she is going somewhere else when I have taken time to reach out three times prior to get her back on schedule. I'm so tired of it! I'm so tired of the bullshit people throw at you about how they want YOU right NOW for THEM! (that's a bit much, if you ask me..)
You know, when I want a day off or don't feel well, I am expected to be there with a smile on my face. When people walk in five minutes late or fifteen minutes behind, I'm supposed to turn the other cheek, I'm deeply over it.
To get past this frustration, I have been locking myself away at home, reading, juicing, praying and sleeping. I am not about the nightlife or the people that inhabit it as of late. All I ever hear about it people seeing mutual friends of mine and them having side-conversation about my whereabouts. For me, I'm over it. I'm over the complacency of the scene and the people in it. I don't do things for free or promo things out for my friends because I believe giving things away for free de-values yourself... and frankly, they take advantage of you.
I also know how to say "no". I rarely do something "sporadically" and if it's not planned or on the agenda, it just doesn't happen. I'm sorry to say this, but YES, my life is planned out. I don't want to be texted in the morning and asked to go out THAT same evening... it's not enough time. I need minimum of a week's notice. I generally plan my life two months - a season out.
Tonight, as I finish updating blogs, etc, I'm Christmas shopping and shopping for my trip to California. Last week was nasty on my diet, so I will need to reclaim my spot on the juice-train and continue on til January 4th when I leave to work with Joico. I'm so excited for this adventure! I have noticed that it's FINALLY sinking in for most people that I am taking on a new chapter of my life. Some are scared, thinking I'll never return and some are critical of my decision to add on another project, but honestly... it's been a month or so of loneliness and as I sit here and make my Christmas list, I have four names on it.
Those are the four names that count.
Monday, November 5, 2012
02.02 : The End is Near... I'm not talking about 2012.
Good evening lambs!
Welcome to the other side of daylight savings time where pitch black occurs at 5pm sharp in SoCo. Can I tell you how crazy it is for me to be doing hair at 5pm, look out all the windows in my salon and feel like it's 9pm? Seriously. Scary shit.. I'm seriously always searching out the boogie man on the way home. (haha)
As I type this, I'm sipping a cup of coffee and am waiting for laundry to finishing drying. How glamorous! There's a business located on the bottom street level floor of my building and it recently changed hands this past Friday (three days ago). I was sitting at the bar eating a salmon salad and drinking some red wine when I met this guy earlier and four hours later as I was taking my laundry downstairs, I ran into this same man and he introduced himself as the new owner.... wowzers! When business goes up for grabs, it goes fast!
He told me, "I've seen you everywhere! You do hair right?"
"you have ads all over... I mean everywhere."
"I keep thinking I've seen you in a bunch of papers"
-I'm a writer. Have had a couple columns run simultaneously.
"That's right! Josh something... the Rockstar something."
-That's me. says I.
"Wow! I didn't know there was a celebrity living upstairs"
In my most "coy" way I reply, "yep... that would be me." LOL
Let me just tell you: I have been BUSY! Thank you baby Jesus! November is looking BLESSED at Rockstars + Lambs! Guest count is very high once again and we are getting ready for a toy drive, new casting call for interns and preparing room for new retail items just in time for the holidays!
As I woke yesterday morning, the announcement came from Joico that they are redoing all their styling products and repackaging their line for 2013. As you may have read last week, I am joining the team in January 2013and their official re-launch happens the same month!
For my favorite company and I to be going through so many transitions at the same time is serendipity. I keep saying that word knowing a great change is coming for all... and for the great good of my life and my family and clients.
My life has been so busy lately and as I try to describe to friends what it's like, I keep getting fucked up replies like "why?"
Why am I busy?
Because I choose to be.
I want to ask: "how come when I text YOU, I never get a reply back?"
I can answer that: Because they choose NOT to! I've been made to feel second best, once again. Maybe even third best. Good or a drink, not good enough to talk to or reply to.
My parents (who happen to be restaurant rockstars) are in Vegas this week and I am missing them greatly. They had reservations at Bobby Flay's restaurant tonight and as I text them, they didn't reply... much like the people I hold close to me.
For me, lambs, planning toy drives and ordering product is the tip of the iceberg. It's pretty evident that my endevours are important to ME. Reaching out doesn't matter. My sister and I have recently been talking more and my favorite person and best friend are there for me no matter what. It just gets lonely...
Vague answers from people that once seemed so close just seem like short uninterested responses from vague uninteresting people.
Sometimes I wonder if my journey to Napa in January is showing me that we are all changing. As 2012 ends and 2013 begins, I begin to wonder...
Will I enter the year with as many people in my address book as I have now?
I'm thinking not. The end of many of my connections is near. It's not 2012 that's ending, it's the thread of friendships I see drifting away.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
02.01: Don't Drink The Poison.. not even from a friend!
Good evening Rockstars + Lambs!
Tonight, I'm sitting at the laptop sipping a luke-warm cup of Godiva coffee and updating my online life. I've taken the past 12 days to break from this blog and begin a new thought process. I find it so appropriate because of the fact that I am starting a brand new chapter of my life.
Since my last blog, I received the OFFICIAL phone call that I will be working for the haircare company, Joico. Til that point, we had been courting each other with the idea of bringing me on as an educator for the brand. It is official now and we will start work together in January 2013.
In the meantime, we are kicking off holiday season at Rockstars + Lambs. We have alot of really cool deals coming up in our retail and lots of fun has been had planning Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and then come January 4th, I'm flying to Napa!
We are also working on a bringing a toy drive to the salon. Starting the week BEFORE Thanksgiving, we will start taking donations for the Pueblo County Department of Social Services. All donated items will be distributed to high-risk families and families in Pueblo County that are in an impoverished state. I really feel that even though my investments have all been tied-up with Rockstars + Lambs that my holiday season should not BE ABOUT ME or PRESENTS. My family is aware of this and I am going to focus on GIVING to others. My family is very blessed. We all have fabulous homes, own our own businesses and can pretty much make things happen VERY FAST when we want something taken care of. With that said, I am not focusing on materialistic items for Christmas, I just want to give.
The holiday season means alot to me because of the fact that this used to be a time of sharing and experiences shared with my extended family. As the years have gone by, my family has moved away or lost interest and instead of looking at celebrating with just the "four of us"... I'm going to turn the frown upside down and involve my clientele and friends in giving to those that just don't have as much.
In the past few weeks, I have probably only seen my group of friends a handful of times. As I announced the fact that I was working on my book, a possible radio show/podcast and getting ready to tour with Joico, I noticed the criticism coming in from a large majority of my friends. I can count compliments or congrats on one hand. That's it.
When I talked about my book, my friends shrugged, "when do you have time to work on that and IS IT expensive?"
-I'll worry about that. thank you.
When I talked about a podcast/radio show, I had a very jealous friend say, "that pisses me off". He had found out that I was negotiating a wage and contract agreement for the show. Honestly, how do you expect me to pay an engineer and producer plus pay for my time as a radio personality?
-nothing is ever personal, it's business to me.
When I announced my partnering with Joico, I had dead silence for days from my friends. My clients were happy. Some concerned, "are you leaving for good?"
For me, the clear stain of jealously and envy on people's faces and actions have REALLY ignited my Garbo-ways. Staying clear of their negativity is all I do. I had a client critique the salon the other day and she made a comment to her friend that was with her and they just laughed and made fun of an element of the salon. I simply didn't acknowledge their catty malice and went on with the session. What I have found is that NOT ACKNOWLEDGING criticism allows someone to feel their own stupidity in their words they project.
If you want to say something half-assed, fucked up or critical, swallow your own poison, bitches! I'm not Snow White and that ain't NO APPLE you're serving up!
I was invited to alot of Halloween parties this year and for those of you that know me well, you know damn well I do not celebrate Halloween. For someone to REPEATEDLY invite me over and over again is offensive. I've explained myself in the past. I do not believe that Halloween has any spiritual significance or life lesson attached to it to even validate it. So, I stayed in, put my jammies on and watched old 80s reruns. That's fun to me!
My time has been spent with my two favorite individuals and actually I've really enjoyed getting to talk to my sister these past few months! She has lost 30 lbs, is in great shape and is beginning training to become a personal trainer. I'm proud of her! When someone sent her a shitty remark on Facebook, she called me and said, "what should I say to that?"
I said, "delete the bitch! Don't swallow their poison, baby sister."
You know what? She did it and it worked. She also did what I have been doing and has not even responded to some nay-sayers. LET THE HATER SWALLOW THE POISON!
If there is any advice I can give you all reading this is to #1: do not accept a malicious comment from ANYONE ESPECIALLY a friend and #2: do not allow your friends to peer-pressure you into a box... you know what that's called? BULLYING!
In the grand scheme of things, I do love my friends, however, I do feel as though a great deal of them have acted inappropriately or have made me feel shunned. I simply won't have it. No poison for me.
In the meantime, I'm starting a juice/sushi diet and buying new clothes for Napa! It's time to tone-up! Get in tour shape. The Rockstar Stylist is back! This time... things are gonna change. I don't want one ounce of negativity.
My grandpa Gerry said it best, "if you don't have anything nice to say, keep your damn mouth shut!"
Remember, lambs... don't drink the poison. Not even from a friend.
Tweet me @studiojry
Visit my lifestyle/beauty blog
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Volume 01 Hiatus - 10/21-11/1 2012
What's up Rockstars + Lambs!
Thanks for checking out my award-winning blog "Pretty World, Fabulous Life: Inside Studio JRy".
As with all volumes I've ever written, there are 13 entries and a short "hiatus" or break.
Volume 02 debuts November 1st, 2012.
In the meantime, check out
"Rockstar Slums" my hit lifestyle blog
I'll be appearing on "After Dark with Dr. Mike" 10/22 on AM 1480 or stream live at 9-11pm. Tweet me live on air @studiojry #joshafterdark
Visit my official website
Thanks for visiting!
Thanks for checking out my award-winning blog "Pretty World, Fabulous Life: Inside Studio JRy".
As with all volumes I've ever written, there are 13 entries and a short "hiatus" or break.
Volume 02 debuts November 1st, 2012.
In the meantime, check out
"Rockstar Slums" my hit lifestyle blog
I'll be appearing on "After Dark with Dr. Mike" 10/22 on AM 1480 or stream live at 9-11pm. Tweet me live on air @studiojry #joshafterdark
Visit my official website
Thanks for visiting!
Friday, October 19, 2012
01.13 : YOU are YOUR best teacher
Good evening my loves...
I am sitting at Studio JRy reflecting on the evening. I just returned home from the SCEA Harvest Banquet. I am so pumped up and so proud to have went. Tonight, two humanitarians were honored with "Pride of Pueblo" Awards for their contribution toward bringing awareness to the LGBT community and their rights. As an equality alliance, I am proud of them and their efforts. I am also very proud of who I am as a person and a friend to the LGBT community.
For me, tonight means so much. The fact that in 110,000 population Pueblo has a banquet for their gay community means the world to me. For me to live in a rather conservative state from conservative parents and see an event that personifies the gay community the way I know it makes me proud. Not everything is stereotypical or made-for-tv. Not all gay people are flamers or masculine-looking lesbians. Not all gay supporters are gay. Not all politicians care if they are gay-friendly. To all these people, gay is the furthest from the brain... it's ONE part of who we are. To have straight allies makes us stronger and to make it a time of celebration and seeing us as humans and not as "gay people" warms my heart.
Tonight, my best friend and I attended and as I sat there and we ate, listened to the key-note speaker and watched the awards ceremony, I was so proud to call him "friend". He is my favorite person. It is well-known. I do not have to "train" him to be a civilized classy man. We both want the same rights as any other partnership and to know I have his back and he has mine is comforting. Alot of people will never understand the bond I have because they haven't had to live life as a Mediterranean gay man. They never had the lives we had growing up. They didn't take hours out of their day to break bread and council each other like we do. For that, I love him most. And as his friend, I want only the best for him.
Tonight, was also the night of my 100th video blog on the ShakeYourCooley channel (visit - after 100 video blogs, all I hope people understand when viewing them is that I am on an adventure called life and my mission to learn more about me, share it with the world and hopefully help someone reach their true identity and love their authentic self.
The point of THIS very blog has been the same thing . I don't think people really care what I'm drinking, who I hang out with or what happened me. They like the stories. They like the autobiography of my writing. I am, obviously, not ashamed of who I am or what I've learned or how I learned. I want my journey to be a "wake up call" to some and comforting and eye-opening to others. For the haters that read just cos they want to dog me, let them have that! They're cowards and fakes. You know how I feel about those assholes...
My life lately has been about taking care of me. Tonight, we left before 10pm. In the day, I would have hooped-and-hollared it up with everyone and had an afterparty. I can honestly say... those days are pretty much done. I like to hoop and hollar on my own time.. not in public. (There goes the Garbo-talk again)
My livelihood and taking care of me starts here: in my thoughts. My thoughts translate into writing. My writing is inspired by me. That's not ego, that's self-examination. For me, I AM my best teacher.
I hope that I can grow and move on to become a teacher to many. As 2013 approaches, the internship program at my salon is growing, my interns are graduating to other salons and Joico comes calling in January. That means lots of traveling.
The other day I tweeted that I would take my best friend or my mom with me. I wasn't kidding. I have two loves of my life:
-my career and every facet of it
-my love of sharing with my family and friends.
Through this platform called the internet, blogging, tweeting, Facebook, etc... I hope to share the most concise, true, intimate piece of my knowledge I can with each of you. I want you to be your authentic self. I want YOU to be the best you and I want you to be happy and content in your own skin when you lay your head down at night.... just as I am.
Sometimes my mouth and it's words are raw and the knowledge I share is naked and unfiltered, but ultimately, I am a teacher at heart. I want the best for you and I will share what I can in the hope that you understand that YOU are YOUR best teacher.
Visit my lifestyle blog
Tweet me @studiojry
Sunday, October 14, 2012
01.12 : Cooley is the new Garbo
Good evening lambs!
It's close to midnight as I type this. I'm sipping a cup of fresh coffee and contemplating a hyaluronic acid facial before bedtime. Today was a gorgeous fall day. A gorgeous Sunday with my mom. We went to a local cafe for breakfast and went shopping, attempted to make pizza and failed (oh well), drank a little, shopped a little and watched some New Jersey housewives. All in all, a great day. The scent of autumn-themed candles has dressed the air and Studio JRy is dimly lit for total fall effect. I am adoring this calm space post-Award, post-busy week in the salon. In abou 13 hours, I will be back to life in the salon and for me, it will be hard to NOT think about the salon and focus on sleep.
My life has changed dramatically since taking on my internship program and since one of my interns has been hired at a very large salon in town. I am mixed with emotion as I was part of this organization some years ago and left on rather unfulfilled terms. Whatever the case, I hope she does well and uses her integrity and mind and is not jaded like most of the staff she is joining (harsh words, but really, my wish for her is to succeed and overcome peer pressure).
Lately, I have taken to pulling myself away from all my online mediums and pulling away from unnecessary visits and communication with friends. I find it sad to say that I find 80% of the people in my life dressed in acting out the "charade" of life: talking to fake friends with fake words and forming fake bonds. Gimme a fucking break! I have important things to do like worry about my own success and how to get there, not by licking someone's ass or chasing after something that doesn't belong to me! I am quite happy alone in my studio and alone at Studio JRy. Fakebook (aka Facebook) is the least of my concern and frankly, I'm annoyed by political posts and drama between exes and angst-laden adults that act as if they were fifteen year olds. I graduated freshmen year YEARS ago. They should as well.
I have had a few friends talk to me about how they have disdain for other "friends of [mine]" and frankly this is how I feel about the situation----------------
If you can't all be grownups and get along, share your time with me and don't ask of each other. Truly, I don't care if you like him/her/it/they. Grow up.
This past week, I went to dinner with one of my closest confidantes and was contacted by FOUR friends asking me my whereabouts and why I haven't come around. Also, WHO was I with! I was rumored to be on a date, be depressed, be drinking at a local bar and ignoring everyone. Well, no, I was sipping a class of wine with a person I will refer to as "The Universe".
There are two people in my life I call "The Universe" and I WILL drop ANYTHING for them. They know who they are and as a favor and respect to them, I do not mention them online or in my blogs . It's not important and will only cause issues later on. Truth be told, there's reasons for protecting each identity and no, that is one aspect of my life, I WILL NOT share.
My fascination with Greta Garbo is always of public interest. About a year ago, I started posting #cooleyisthenewgarbo as a trend on Twitter. It caught on. It's on my youtube channel and I even talked about it on Facebook. In true Garbo fashion, I want to tell you that "Garbo" is code word for "alone". Sometimes, I am actually alone and sometime I am actually in the company of "The Universe". Either way, it's not your business. The blog is, my life outside the salon and what I chose to share online is not.
As Garbo was to cinema, I am to hair and the beauty industry. With the whirlwind of recent radio appearances, talk of a book, the trending of "Rockstar Slums", my beauty blog on Blogger and new marketing campaign, I can only tell you this...
Just as Garbo disappeared from cinema is the way I wish to vanish from my persona. Oh yes, a book will come, a blog will always be around as well as limited hairshow appearances, but truly, retiring in a penthouse and keeping only the company of friends I love as my family and leaving my love-life to no one's confidence is how I have envisioned the remaining years of my life. I do not want to work as hard as I do now at the age of 60. I want to be known, stay known and only be relevant enough to be remembered as an icon in this community and my industry.
There is an event coming this week in which I was proud enough and able enough to donate a large sum of both silent auction items and philanthropic contributions. If people know that's fine, I've only shared what and how much with certain people and a select audience. For me, people that constantly donate out of ego are not my idea of philanthropists or passionate. I very much so am learning to be frugal in my spending for both the salon and at home especially.
In the next five years, I have envisioned a new home, a new salon, a large staff and a very enigmatic way of performing my business. The new business venture coming in 2013 will require me to be bi-coastal at least quarterly and I am certain my writing and new found love for radio will take me further.
After all, who doesn't want to be successful and after all, isn't branding a busy game?
Greta had her quite moments, but never built a brand. You know I admire that branded herself? Gloria Vanderbuilt. What a powerhouse!
Those women had it... power and penthouses.
That's where I'm headed.
Silently and alone tonight,
Tweet me #cooleyisthenewgarbo @studiojry
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Best of Pueblo Winner!
Tonight, we took home the bronze prize for Best Blog or Blogger. "Pretty World, Fabulous Life: Inside Studio JRy" is the award-winning blog!
Thank you to all that have read and follow my online presence!
-Josh Cooley
Thank you to all that have read and follow my online presence!
-Josh Cooley
Sunday, September 23, 2012
01.11 : Look at the mirror and move on...
Good evening lambs,
It's about 11:30 pm on a Sunday evening and I am gathering my thoughts for tomorrow. Tomorrow, I am back in my own salon after working at my friend's salon as a guest artist. I love when I have the chance to work with her. It's very very fulfilling.
Tonight as I go through my schedule for the week, I see a shift in the middle of the week on Wednesday as we approach Yom Kippur. In Judaisim, Yom Kippur is the holiest of days and the "day of atonement".
On that day, we re-evaluate looking at the past 10 days of Rosh Hashanah and fast and pray and meditate and ask the Creator for forgiveness for any flaws or faults we may have performed in the past year.
On that day, we re-evaluate looking at the past 10 days of Rosh Hashanah and fast and pray and meditate and ask the Creator for forgiveness for any flaws or faults we may have performed in the past year.
This past year, I have been very guilty of ego, very guilty of taking my life for granted professionally and financially and have had moments of just shear abandonment from friends and clients that I channeled outward as resentment and malice. My passionate personality can turn from passionate and driven to obsession and angry in the drop of a hat.
It's not the public's view of me that shames me or leads to guilt, it's the internal battle I have with the "opponent" (ego) inside of me. That's kinda deep, I know. But I do love knowing that I'm NOT perfect. I fuck up, just like everyone else.
The difference this time in my life is that I have CAUGHT IT!
I told a peer of mine the following story about being angry at a client and angry at a situation that wasn't dealt with properly. After this client ransacked my Facebook with hateful messages and contacted other clients to blaspheme against me, I was at the point where I wanted to buy out my lease and leave Colorado. No shit! For real. I had a moment of wanting to just give the fuck up. (there's not another way to say it).
I went home, closed the shades, stood in silence, walked back and forth and prayed and silently meditated until I received an answer. I asked, "God, the Creator, what am I missing? What the fuck am I missing?! Tell me"
In desperation, I was searching in my intuition, asking God, looking inward and pacing like a Sufi in circles til the energy cleared, I started to weep and received the following message:
"be patient"
I stood still, eyes red, said thank you and continued on my day in my office.
It later hit me in an ah-ha moment that in order to be patient I had to BE PRESENT in the moment. Be calm, take life for what it is. Take people for who they are. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. All the spiritual messages I have written about or talked about came to me. WHY WASN'T I TAKING MY OWN ADVICE?
The answer: pride.
Pride is part of ego.
Letting go of ego starts by forgiving yourself for your flaws. In order to practice patience, you cannot walk around the world looking at the clock or expecting a thing. So, sitting in my salon, on a day where no one was scheduled began this. Sitting in my office at Studio JRy with my phones and email open while I worked on blogs and bills for the "p" in the spelling of "patience" for me.
I'm still very impatient as a person, but I am learning that in order to get past what has happened, you HAVE TO forgive someone for what they have done. NO MATTER how hard.
Forgiveness comes in many forms. Mostly as a by-product of deceit or assumptions.
When someone deceives us, we feel used.
When we assume something of someone or build them up in our brains, we feel stupid and guilty for a crime or sin we haven't even really committed. The fantasy or assumption is the embryo of a lie.
I have had to look at petty items in my life like who has been blocked on Facebook. Some were exes, some were former clients, some were fans of my blogs or web pressence, some were liars that wanted to deceive me and use my words against me AND my friends.
Here's what I have learned, in conclusion:
To forgive an ex, I have to accept that I do not want to be used... and move on.
To forgive a former client or business associate, I have to accept that we do not agree in my services or talent and... move on.
To forgive a "lamb" fan that took something personal.. I have to ask before I post, "is this for the betterment of my image and business"... and chose not to post and move on.
To the deceivers in this world.. I have to stop assuming. The assumption that everyone is interested in me for the good of humanity is a fantasy! I am NOT for everyone.
But I also have to realize, they are mirrors. If all those four archetypes are mirrors, then I am guilty of
-giving too much
-using my ego and NOT my talent
-exposing too much
-trusting too much.
I believe that the Creator created us all as good humans that sometimes make bad choices. I have to learn when to see a "mirror" and when I have to distinguish a genuine connection or move on...
It is what it is.
Maya Angelou said it best: "when someone shows you who they are, believe them."
Monday, September 17, 2012
01.10 : Prosperity comes when you practice restriction.
L'Shanah Tovah friends!
Today is Rosh Hashanah and if you know me well, I look forward to the Jewish New Year every year. For me, it is a time of reflection and renewal.
I have been doing alot of thinking about the last six months of my life and career. In six months time, I have opened a business and detoxified my life in terms of associates, friends, clients and "internet" relations that do not serve me any more. I am not saying this to be selfish, but more so, to let you know that my life is fuller than it has been even with gaps in my schedule, nights alone, and not posting my WHOLE life on Facebook and Twitter.
I took today off from the salon and have been in my robe all day and in Andrew Christian underwear looking at my weblife, salonlife and personal life. I am very happy with the stats on both blogs and the YouTube channel and am happy to say that they will continue being part of my journey for now. "Rockstar Slums" is my beauty blog and is doing exceptional! We have the highest demographics in the US, Germany and Russia. Most of the fashionistas that love that blog access it from iPhones, iPads and Macs and use Safari or Safari Mobile. This very blog has a high readership weekly and again the US, Germany and Russia are my highest demographics, but most people access me from Google Chrome and Droid operating systems. Crazy, how big brothery the Studio JRy Creative Department is getting, isn't it?
With Rosh Hashanah being today, I have thought about my priorities. Its very clear that my worklife is my life's purpose and my priority. Building my brand in education is key! Diane Von Furstenberg told Rachel Zoe a few years ago, "when you learn, share."
I am in that mode lately. Business peers, my intership program and Joico are all on deck to see what Josh Cooley and Rockstars and Lambs Ltd can bring them. My goal is to create an education network that betters stylists and the clients that LOVE their stylists. My Studio JRy Creative brand is part of this through the use of this blog, the youtube channel and writing "Living Fabulously". As you can see, it's not all about the hair for me, it's about the betterment (is that a word) of people on the inside and helping them become in-tune with their authentic selves.
In the year 5773 (Jewish year) or for you 2012-2013, I want to travel more, share more and love more. Those are my three goals. In order to do all three, I have undergone a financial restructuring of Rockstars and Lambs Ltd. This does not mean ANYthing bad. It means, I'm taking control of inventory, money that goes out and controlling HOW money comes into the business and is taxed appropriately and paid out appropriately. For this reason, the hours in the salon are going to change slightly.
I am busiest on Tuesdays and Saturdays. Fridays are wondeful as well, Mondays have a 7/8 chance of being canceled on, so I have decided to only be open two Mondays a month 1-6. Once a month, we will close early on Wednesdays at 3pm as Wednesday evening is NOT very busy in my studio. When the demand comes for more times, we will open those back up in about 4-6 months.
For a private atelier owner like me, NOT running the lights or water while we are not with clients is financially responsible. In 5773 (2012-2013), I want to make better choices financially. In order to share, I must have. In order to have, I cannot waste.
Here's to a prosperous and restrictive new view of my life and business in the new year,
Visit my fashion and beauty blog:
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
01.09 : My Saturn Return and Rosh Hashanah
Good morning Rockstars + Lambs!
It is 7:30 on a rather cool September morning in SoCo. I am contemplating what fall fashion I will be presenting to the world on my morning walk to work in about an hour or so. Sipping coffee, going over fashion week coverage and really taking time to reflect on past events this year in my life.
As some of you may know, Rosh Hashanah is on Monday this coming week and I am a huge participant in the High Holy Days. For me, you DON'T need to be Jewish or study Kabbalah, it's a time of renewal, a time of celebration, a time of reflection on the year past and looking forward to the year approaching and seeing what we can change in our nature and core. The very source that drives us is not our spirituality, but our energy in this world. Like it or not, we are ALL made of the same stuff. Matter is matter. Rosh Hashanah reminds me of the Creator's intention for us when he created the world millenia ago. That may be deep for some, but that is how I see this time of the year.
So, as part of my "restructure" in my life, I took time (read last blog 01.08) to re-evaluate my mission with the salon, my life and my goals. My birthday was a couple of weeks ago and I officially hit my Saturn Return. If you're someone that studies the cosmos and astrology, you'll understand that every 28 years, Saturn ends up in the same spot it was in when YOU were born. So, 28, 56, 84 (if you live that long). We start to look at those as milestone moments before big ages like 30, 60 and well, the afterlife. LOL.
I have put myself on a serious debt diet and cash diet. It has been a welcomed adjustment. Not going out every night or every other night, cooking at home like a Food Network chef and even taking pleasure in doing my own laundry and chores. I know, I know that sounds petty, but truly someone busy like me finds chores and daily life annoying, but when I changed my perspective and looked at the "blessing" in it, I realized... life's not too bad being mellow.
Part of the new renewed Rosh Hashanah view of my life and Saturn-look at my life has been letting go of my friends. NOT LIKE THAT! What I mean is, letting them go on and be who THEY need to be AND having other friendships and moving on into their own echelons. One of my dearest friends has been on my brain lately and I have had to understand deep down that the intimacy I share in words exchanged and times together are simply that, nothing more. My search in life for a partner and my intimacy with this friend have skewed my vision of who he really is: a young man discovering himself. I've already discovered who I was years ago. I find it fair to say that I have had to make peace with that the fact that I am not "partner material" at this time in my life. I am not someone's boyfriend or even close to someone's husband.
Not only has this situation been on my mind, but ALL my friends have been on my mind, I have come to the conclusion that I do not trust easily and that I have, in actuality, a SMALL group of "friends", everyone else is an acquaintance. What a blessing to be known and appreciated, but what a loss for many. I personally do not TRUST people. I have had a hard time letting my guard down and when I do, I feel used and taken advantage of. So moving on into the future, I will not be indebting so much on my friends, rather... meditating, praying, fasting and reading.
I'm sure I'll have my occasional sloshed drunk moment still, though. (lol)
Fashion week this year has been a blitz of luxury if you've noticed and as Rosh Hashanah begins and Fashion week ends, I have realized, I have lived a lifetime of fashion weeks in my own right. As a friend, as a businessman and as a thinker. I have begun and ended, returned from Saturn and released all my earthly connections of ANY obligation to me or any expectations I have of them. As solemn as that sounds, it's very gratifying.
Think about it... I have put the universe and my energy into control. No person can give me what the universe or the Creator has.
Words of advice from my favorite stylist/designer Rachel Zoe: "pick what it is you love and then the success will come..."
Thursday, August 16, 2012
01.08 : Evolution begins with the REAL you.
Good evening Rockstars + Lambs!
It's a chilly summer-going-into-autumn evening in SoCo. I'm sipping coffee and loving this day. Today, I stepped away from the salon and came in to do my best friend's hair and have lunch. It was fabulous! I've had alot of downtime lately to reflect and learn to accept who I am and where I'm going and what needs to change in my life.
At last week's "Dancing with the Starz", I had a regain of confidence in who I am as a public persona. The event, itself, went very very well and I wanted nothing more than to relish the spotlight as I do at these events. The event, even though, not about me was a lot of fun.. I had great family, great friends and great photos taken of all of us. As I looked through a few of the photos, I liked what I saw. I included my family, I was sharing a moment/a part of me with THEM. I also, saw a realization of the fatty mcfatty I'm becoming.
I have taken time to take care of me and have noticed nothing but weight gain... how does that happen? I also noticed my discrepancies in my finances (once again). I have learned two things about myself:
-Number 1, I live a decadent life... sometimes TOO decadent (according to my pictures)
-Number 2, I spend money like it's water. That shit's gotta stop.
This is a controllable situation. According to Suze Orman, people in debt are fifteen lbs heavier from stress and you usually spend "more than" because you feel "less than".... this would be accurate.
I would be lying to say that August hasn't been a test of my sanity. I feel about the salon the way Oprah felt about starting a network.. it's tough. I love my salon, everything is well, but it's tough behind the scenes. When people and situations affect my bottom line, it really becomes sucky to have to accept it and move on. People that cancel and reschedule all the time or do not pre-book absolutely annoy me. It's not a hidden fact.
I don't hide this information about me because, as I've said before, THIS IS REAL LIFE. If you don't like me real, you won't like me fake, I can tell you that much.
As I re-read last week's blog about my uncontrollable mouth, I was at piece with myself. I have accepted that if someone cannot handle this world of social media we use for self-promotion, they're probably very insecure and wish they could do the same. I've also realized that there are moments when NOT EVERYBODY needs to KNOW EVERYTHING about me.
This past 16 days of August have taught me to be me.... authentically be me. Even if it means being hated or given the evil eye. It's really okay. I have also learned that my business is ready to transform five/six months in. There are people that need to be sent away and there is a new rebirth of clientele that needs to be reached out to.
For this reason, we will be debuting Gentleman's Wednesday and Root-Retouch Friday. For a special price, we will offer services and products at a different rate to better accommodate the guest. We will also offer specials on retail those respective days.
As fall approaches, I am looking forward to Rosh Hashanah and the rebirth and start of a new year. I always take these days out for self-reflection and will be doing the same this year. Goals to work for are:
-weightloss and health
-personal security in my finances
-a new Mac
-a new Blackberry
-letting others in to help me.
I have fallen short of taking care of aspect of my life in the sake of wanting others to like me. Well, here it is: the real me.
The real me talks too much, cusses too much, drinks too much, smokes on occasion, doesn't manage finances well, seeks a partnership in life, lusts after goals and needs to accept that NOT everyone is meant to be my friend.
Sounds hardcore right?
Nope... this is all part of my evolution to discover who I REALLY need to be... in business and in life.
Time to be more healthy, open-minded, financially responsible, more organized than ever before and a mentor to myself, others and those around me in my daily life.
Here's to Rosh Hashanah, a new year and a new revitalized ME,
Josh Cooley
Thursday, August 9, 2012
01.07 : Keepin' it real... mouth and all
Good evening lambs!
Thanks so much for checking the blog! It's been exactly one month since my last post. I have neglected this blog horribly. Tonight, it's about 8pm and I'm finishing a Corona and lime at Studio JRy and brewing some much-needed coffee. You know me! Constant coffee lover.
Well, this week has been challenging, I must say. My patience and time and integrity have all been tested in the past couple weeks. I hope that at the end of this week, the event "Dancing with the Pueblo Starz" makes me smile. Last week, we had our fashion competition "So You Want To Be A Fashion Designer" and it was awesome! Today, a local paper printed extensively regarding the event and with as many press photos as I took last week, I was surprise NOT to be in the print edition at all. This was, for me, another bash to my ego. It seems as though the public in SoCo has put themselves on a Josh Cooley-detox. (I'll reflect on this detox later)...
In very good news, my longing to educate and possibly do hair shows again has come to some amazing news. The manufacturer Joico has come calling. I absolutely adore this brand and cannot wait to get on board. The sad part about my first phone interview today was that they wanted me to start doing training Monday (that's less than three days away). For me, it was very hard when I did work for CHI because of my growing popularity in the salon. As much as I feel "unwanted" this week, this is still an issue. I have to trust that if the Universe feels its time for me to take on this opportunity, time will be made available.
I do feel as though this will be a magnificent pairing and hope to get started in-training this fall.
Tonight has been a hodge podge of thoughts.. mostly "what to wear" for "Dancing..." ...last year was a hit and I have no clue as to what look I'm going for. I've taken my "Rockstar chic" vibe and gone a bit more humble. Think: retired Rockstar in Beverly Hills. My life has changed significantly in the past eight months to a more mellow me. However, my staunch business savvy and firey mouth are still getting me in trouble.
Now to explain the Josh Cooley Detox:
Please understand that my clients mean the utmost to me. Always have, always will. I did, however, hit a point in my career where I had some bug-a-boos in my roster. Always blowing up my Blackberry, always making critiques of my views on Facebook, YouTube and publicly and I hit a point one day where I was over it.
As I went to the neighborhood bar to decompress one evening, I overheard another business over talking about a smaller business on his block. He dogged this poor lady to pieces. She wasn't there to defend herself and I, of course, as a business associate and friend, went to bat for her. I was so angry after my words exchanged with him that I came home and turned on my Blackberry to be greeted by six messages, three voicemails and an email, all of which were reschedules, cancellations for no reason or complaints. All I could think was, "what the fuck? Really people?"
I started to video blog as I do.
In the vlog titled, "You don't get it. So shut up!" I describe what frustration I had for this man and his views of small business and even touch base on bug-a-boo people in my life. As I posted, I knew it was a bit honest, I just didn't care. We watch reality tv shows all day and still watch these pseud-celebrities and talk shit all day on Facebook, but my little vlog caused quite the stir with many people. Not just clients, but business associates and friends.
"You called people stupid" said one friend.
"So I'm replaceable, eh?" said a client.
"That video made me want to cry, Josh" said one business associate.
"I told you, the internet is no damn good" said my mom.
A week or two later, I recieved an email from a former client calling me "condescending", "negative" and "difficult to work with".
Did I fuck up? Maybe.
Do I think I was rude in the video. No.
I really truly believe I was honest. My tone in the video is not a mean tone nor a negative one. I do, however, feel that people watching need to take a deep breath and understand that not everything in our pretty little world is always sugary and sweet. As real as I am, I am not an angry person. I am passionate. As passionate as I am, sometimes ill-minded business associates and client urk me. But... this is 2012, people and we ALL have the right to express our feelings, thoughts,etc.
I think for most people, me defending my words shocks people because I do not hide behind the screen. If you asked me what I said, I own it... I do not hide behind my persona. This is me. I am real.
As I re-read this clients email, she said she could never consider herself a client of mine because I deleted her from Facebook. Well, honey, grow up. Buckle up, because Facebook is not the hardest pill you will have to swallow in life. She also mocked me and my success and was very sarcastic in her email. I'll let her have that. She was angry. Would I have been angry? No. Irritated maybe. But I will say this, and stand by it, the video was NOT about her. She misinterpreted the video and assumed it was.
Sad for her because I really kinda liked her. and really kinda liked her business.
I have evaluated this situation all week only to have a well-deserved meeting with my executive team at Rockstars and Lambs LTD.
What to expect at the salon is a new menu, new services, new pricing structure and new retail starting September 01. What the Studio JRy branch of my business had to do was alter/edit the way we use social media. As of now and from now until forever, both the Josh Cooley and Rockstars + Lambs Facebook pages are ONLY business or hair or fashion related. No more negative posts, rants or personal sentiments... maybe a spiritual lesson or two. The FB page will also deliver the vlogs and blogs as usual. My YouTube channel and blog will remain the same because, truly, I like them that way. This is ME behind the scenes. No bullshit. No Fluff.
I like to keep it real... and it will stay that way. Can't wait to see you at "Dancing with the Pueblo Starz"!
Mouth and all,
Josh Cooley
Monday, July 9, 2012
01.06: Balancing events, friends and JRy
Good evening Rockstars + Lambs,
I hope you're doing well this evening. Tonight, I'm sipping Godiva coffee with the perfect amount of Italian sweet cream and waiting for some of the salon's laundry to finish drying. I have spent most of the evening baking, preparing lasagna and making salads for the week. This afternoon, I cut out the salon early for a little "me" time at the spa.
I never thought pulling away from the day would leave so many people speechless and thinking I was angry at them or upset. I turned off both my Blackberry and my iPhone and traveled strictly with my iPad. My e-mail was blowing up with people trying to track me down. There are some moments in my life when I think, "f--k me!" (not erotic- haha, but like 'bash my head against the wall' eff me).
Yesterday, we began working on an event I am co-sponsoring and producing called "So You Want to Be A Fashion Designer" with my good friend and fashion stylist Sam of Robot Exchange. She specializes in bringing vintage wear and couture to the masses. We filmed a bit for youtube and mass media and went through all the general rules with the four participating teams for this even that is happening in early August.
About two weeks ago (shortly after my last blog), I was informed that my fashion/trend/etiquette column, "Haute Mess" has been canceled. In my heart, I knew the publisher was no longer wanting it or accepting my views or philosophy. That's entirely okay. For the last two years, I've had a ball writing it. What I can leak to you is that I am working on a book loosely based and using excerpts from the columns.
I always thought that if I ever lost the publication of my award-winning column, I would no longer be publicly relevant. However, a week and a half later, I began working on this competition with Sam. So, there you go. I've gone from writing to producing parts of the events I'm taking part in.
As you know, Sunday is my day to be with my family. Even as a platform artist and color educator, I was ALWAYS home on Sundays to be with my family. Last night, however, we started filming and presented the challenge to the teams. So, today, I snuck out of the salon to take care of me and hung out with parents (I'll have to fore-warn people).
This week is my mom's birthday and next week is my best friend's birthday. I can't wait to see my best friend because he is walking as a model as part of a fashion presentation Sam and I are putting together. This Friday, we also have a LGBT fundraiser to attend. What can I say? I HAVE TO include my friends in my projects OR I'd never see them. That's why when I'm not doing something work-related, I cherish my time away from everyone. So, if my phone is off, it's off. It's all part of the balancing act that is my life.
A week after this competition is complete, we have "Dancing with the Pueblo Starz"... again, I've sponsored the show and am a judge. So, tonight, I've been tidying up the guest list.
Well, as you see, life after "Haute Mess" isn't too bad. I'm forced now to take a more PUBLIC role (I thought I was already) and be out and about in our community. As much as I make it feel like a task, it really isn't.
The biggest task, is making time for my family and friends without the interruption of both the public, my clients and my associates.
Well, my laundry is done and it's time to work out, mediate and live my fabulous life all over again tomorrow.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
01.05 : Setting boundaries = fun.
Good afternoon Rockstars + Lambs,
I'm taking a break in the middle of the afternoon from the salon to blog. I'm currently at Studio JRy sipping an ice-cold bottle of lemon water. It has recently been (on average) 106 degrees in SoCo. I'm dying at the salon as in our building only has a swamp cooler, hence, breaking in the middle of the day to come to my loft where there is central air makes life a little easier. Especially when I have to finish a day in the muggy heat of
So, not too much has gone on since the last blog I wrote. Life has been good on a business level. There have been numerous phone calls from new word-of-mouth referrals. I remember when I first ventured out on my own a couple years ago, I thought that having the largest ad campaigns worked the most to keep me publicly relevant. Now, with the help of two hit columns and a major web-presence, I've pretty much stapled myself to part of the business community here in Southern Colorado.
Yesterday, I took time away from the salon to be a domestic diva and do simple stuff like laundry, paying bills and even had time to see my colourist. Thank you Jesus! I took a bit of ribbing about it as well from a very good client that wanted to get in on a timeline. Unfortunately, sometimes, you have to say "no". People do not realize that I have taken a look at the ENTIRE calendar year and sectioned off all of my days off from now until January 2013. So, no, unfortunately, Monday, I was not going to make an exception. Not even for a VIP.
This week, we're having a large sale at the salon in an effort to liquidate two lines that I'll be discontinuing. Part of doing this now, is making room for the addition of one new line this fall at Rockstars + Lambs and bringing in a long-awaited men's line I've wanted since I opened, but haven't had room for. In my heart, I wish I could keep everything, but just as clients ask for too much after hours, so do some of the manufacturers I work with.
Tonight, we're totally ending on a high note. I have a wine dinner that I'm attending with my parents and my aesthetician. I was given news last week that my beloved aesthetician and business networking associate will be moving back to California at the end of the summer. I kind of want to go with her. We've done so much business together through the years that I don't know what to say... except, "I'm going to miss her... terribly."
Even though it's a staggering 103 degrees outside today, part of being at home this afternoon has been me pulling potential outfits for tonight. If you've paid attention, I really do believe in the separation day-time and night-time clothes. Nights = always pants for men. Even in 103 weather.. and especially to a wine dinner. A fresh tan, a shower and a quick change will allow me to put my "happy face" on for a night of eating, drinking, and being merry.
With that said, let's be merry this week. The salon's doing well and the summer has been hot, but ultimately, I'm enjoying myself... all thanks to saying "no" and giving myself and others boundaries.
Stay cool, Colorado lambs!
Monday, June 18, 2012
01.04: Profits, Losses, Critiques and.... Collagen?
Good evening lambs,
It's yours truly, Mister Cooley pecking away at my laptop and updating my "behind-the-scenes" blog after almost a two-month hiatus from blogging. Sometimes a break does a body good, well, a brain good at least... Today, I was stuck at home with a mild migraine. I could feel the aura coming on about 8pm last night and at 4am this morning, I awoke in tears. For once, I called off on my scheduled day at Rockstars + Lambs and decided to shut off the Blackberry.
My migraine left me disabled in terms of most social media as well. My iPhone, iPad, Blackberry and TV were all too bright and too loud until about 2pm this afternoon. As of now, it's about 10:30 pm at Studio JRy, I haven't showered yet and am sipping coffee in my my Yves Saint Laurent frosted shades and sitting in an Alexander Wang tee and Andrew Christian trunks. This is the equivalent to a gay man's Victoria's Secret ad.
Since I last blogged, I've had many engagements booked. In August, I will be on the judging panel for a local competition called, "So You Wanna Be a Fashion Designer"... a week after that is the second installment of "Dancing with the Pueblo Starz". Believe me, this is a compliment. I wish people understood what is was like to have this kind of attention on a local level. As of June, "Haute Mess" entered it's third volume to rave reviews and I am working on a new installment of "Living Fabulously" for Accolades Magazine.
My only frustration in life at this time in my extra-curricular activities is #1) EVERYONE EVERWHERE seeks sponsorship dollars from me. In July, I was asked to go to Beverly Hills for a fundraiser and have had to since decline. The salon isn't even three months old and sponsoring at this time is almost pre-mature. If I haven't even began writing checks on a local level, what makes people so interested in me sponsoring national campaigns? Also, both publishers has hit me with so many last-minute guidelines and last-minute deadlines, I'm not surprised I stayed home with a migraine today. Some could argue that working on my blogs is diverting my professional growth, I would argue that it's not only therapeutic for me, but also a catharsis for my lambs to read and live-through vicariously (that's the point of both).
As part of mulling down this migraine, I have been subjected to alot of emails and comments made publicly regarding my demeanor. Past clientele, friends and business acquaintances have told me I have a reputation for being hard to get along with and my rules a bit staunch for the average Puebloan. Well, my darlings, buckle up. Late is never okay and YES if I have to wait for you, we WILL reschedule. In business, I do expect advanced notice, confirmations and that you conduct yourself as my business peer, not my mate. I do, however, have a great relationship with a lot of business associates outside of our work environments. Make no mistake though, just because we've had cocktails or dinner together, DOES NOT mean you may walk all over me. As the publishers and organizations I work with have no problem setting guidelines for me, I have reflected the same in my guidelines for them. That is BUSINESS people!
When reading an email last night, I was brought to tears at the fact that someone let me know she was leaving me for being a tyrant and inflexible with her time. I can't be everything to everyone. Part of me telling a heavy-hitting client she'll have to reschedule due to time restraints is being fair to the other 250 regulars that visit me. Am I expecting too much for people to be on time and keep their appointments? I'm on time and I'm always there for my clientele. I don't find it unreasonable to be off the clock at 6pm to enjoy dinner with my family or best mate or refuse to answer e-mails or calls on Sunday. The people that find this "difficult" were gladly remembered on Migraine Monday. No more of that in the future.
As part of setting up standards these past few months, I've decided that after my first quarter profits and losses are reported for Rockstars and Lambs Ltd., we will be working on bringing more into the salon in terms of decor and marketing. Also, Studio JRy is getting a facelift. I need a new couch and a new desk and a new laptop and at the salon, more seating, nesting table and window dressings will be brought in. Part of profits and losses will be the first official announcement of which retail line will be discontinued and in September this year, I will unveil to the public WHICH new line will be joining our fantastic retail line-up. As much as I love all the brands I have in the salon, the point is this: if it costs me more money to stock than it is bringing in, it will have to go.
Whew! As you can tell, I've been busy on the business-front these past six weeks since the last blog. Hopefully, I can get back to a regular blog-schedule and keep you in the know... at the end of this and all the projects coming in July, I'm gonna need a collagen facial and about twenty spray tans.
More to come, lambs... more to come.
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